For those of you that know me you probably won't believe this....but I didn't bring my Cricut to TN. I was so overwhelmed with packing, going through my scrapbooking stuff wasn't a priority. So needless to say, it is all still in Yukon (which my sister is happy about so she can use it)! So I needed a new hobby....hence my first sewing project today! My sister was kind enough to send her Singer sewing machine in return I left the sewing machine my Nana had given me. (Note this is temporary...Carisa you can not HAVE it...hahaha) Since I know nothing about sewing I found a book on Amazon that I fell in love with. It has several chapters on basic sewing knowledge and 101 sewing projects. It is called One-Yard Wonders by Rebecca Yaker and Patricia Hoskins. So hence the name all the projects only require one yard of material or less! Perfect!! Since I have never sewn before I had NO supplies. After two trips to Joanns (yes I said know I am a very forgetful person) I thought I had it made. #1 important thing Nana taught good scissors and don't use them for anything but fabric! So here are a couple of my supplies....and yes they are all pink :)
I've WATCHED my Nana sew a I should know how right? Wrong...It took me a Youtube video, Kirk and all his expertise and 1 hour to thread this baby! But I got it!
Today I attempted the Mailbag Pocket with some material I already had in hopes that we would put mail in it instead of ALL over the counter. (A girl can dream right?) It didn't take me near as long as I thought it would! I pinned everything before sewing and ironed it under so I only had to rip out 2 seams :) Nana would be proud! Here is the final product!
Even made a lining :)
Here it is on the wall!! Now if we can just use it :)
I may have found a new addiction! There is a chapter called "Your Furry Friends" out Blitz!!
Miss and Love you all,