Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Success and Failure...

Patience- an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness. Oh how I wish I had more patience. It would have saved my chevron project :( I get a little excited when I have everything I need for a project and want to jump in! So when I have everything I need for two projects I get antsy waiting for paint to dry and get started on another project. Since it was raining in Nashville the day I wanted to do my projects...I was stuck with the garage. I haven't worked with spray paint enough to know it GETS EVERYWHERE! So here is my story....
I bought some cheap white curtains at Target and some cheap yellow paint at Hob Lob....

So I taped off my chevron pattern....which took entirely too long FYI....
And painted it yellow for the living room!! I loved it and was soooooo proud. But then the impatience set in...
I had bought some yellow mums at Wal-Mart for $4.00 and wanted to put them on my front porch. I bought cheap pottery for $2.50 and was going to spray paint them red....
So pretty right??? And far enough away so I wouldn't get it on the curtains! Unfortunately since I was in the garage and there was no ventilation....it went up in the air and landed everywhere! Including on my curtains.... :(
And it went all the way down :( I tried to buy some white paint and touch it up but it didn't look good at all...
The room is dark but you could still see it...It looked homemade and I didn't like it at all!! The Hubs was encouraging and let me know that he didn't like it anyways! He said it reminded him of Charlie Brown and West Virginia...of course! haha....so I hung some red curtains I already had and they look good :)
 I also replaced the H above the mantel to a clock I scored at Kirklands for $5.99! We really needed a clock in here and the H would fall off every time it thundered )
 I did however save the painted curtain and may be able to salvage enough for a pillow...we'll see :)
The pots were a success though and brightened up our front porch!

(Ignore that I had just watered them...haha) Love the mums! So fallish :)
Please learn from my mistakes! Maybe Chevron will make it into my house someday...

Have a blessed day!

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